Stories, Cures & Remedies

An illustrated book of traditional ‘cures’ gathered in day centres throughout County Sligo. 
The book was curated by Maura Gilligan on behalf of Sligo Arts Service 2011.

Extracts from the book


”It grew where fresh water met salt water. You wash it in sea water and dry it. It should only dry outside, bleached in the sun you could boil it up for chest trouble and colds. You strained it into boiling milk and it would set like jelly when it cooled or you could drink it warm…”


“The cure of ringworm or thrush cannot be passed on because the ringworm cure is usually the gift of a seventh son or daughter and the cure of thrush or foul mouth is always the gift of a child who is born after the death or their father.”


Seeing the Hidden


Cafe Writers, A First Collection